Our Core Offerings for Dental Clinics

Employee Relations

HR2fit provides a sensible approach to Employee Relations: Meeting challenges in the workplace by creating an environment where employees are engaged and inspired.

HR Legal Compliance

HR2fit provides solutions for legal compliance by offering processes and procedures that address federal and state laws, as well as employee complaints.

Compensation and Benefits

HR2fit provides compensation and benefits support to maximize your financial resources and ensure peer competitiveness.

Our Unique Business Approach that Scales With Your Dental Practice.

Dental payroll services: An HR specialist managing payroll services for dental clinics.

HR2fit provides a cohesive approach to Human Resources services for Dental Clinics, designed for small to mid-size dental practices at Fortune 500 onsite quality.

Our overlaid service model is designed to deliver a complete array of Human Resources Services directly to your Dental Clinic business with an emphasis on affordability.

Dental administration solutions: An HR consultant providing administrative solutions for dental clinics.
Dental administration solutions: An HR consultant providing administrative solutions for dental clinics.

Our overlaid service model is designed to deliver a complete array of Human Resources Services directly to your Dental Clinic business with an emphasis on affordability.

Dental compliance training and consulting: An HR consultant providing compliance training and consulting services to dental clinics.

Our unique approach to Human Resources supports your Dental practice from relationships management to improved productivity, customer service and employee loyalty.

Our HR Services for Dental Clinics

Compliance & Risk Management

Would you know what to do if an employee claimed harassment?
Learn more.

Compensation & Benefits

Are you at risk of losing valued employees?
Learn more.

Employee Relations

Sensible solutions that increase workplace productivity.
Learn more.

Management Coaching

What type of management style are you?
Learn more.

Recruiting & Staffing

Do you have an extra 40 to 60 hours to spare?
Learn more.

Employee Training & Development

A single source for all your training needs.
Learn more.

Payroll Administration

Is it time to outsource your payroll administration?
Learn more.

Benefit Strategies & Administration

A complete integrated approach to benefit choices.
Learn more.

Special Projects

Because large or small projects can need special attention.
Learn more.

Staff Designs & Reorganizations

Managing change effectively.
Learn more.

Employee Handbook Creation

A well-defined employee Handbook is a roadmap to promote a productive work environment.
Learn more.

Request Your Free On-Site HR Assessment to Protect & Grow Your Dental Practice Economically

Dental staff development: An HR manager overseeing the professional development of dental clinic staff.
Dental HR administration: An HR administrator overseeing the HR administration process for dental clinics.
Dental talent acquisition: An HR specialist conducting talent acquisition strategies for dental clinics.

Hear what our clients have to say

business owners guide to HR

The Business Owner’s Guide to Improving Employee Relationships that Improves Productivity & Loyalty.